Exclusive State Coverage
Dedicated state coverage of key policy areas to keep professionals informed and ahead.

Dedicated state coverage of key policy areas to keep professionals informed and ahead.
Policymaking in states like California, New York, New Jersey, and Florida has long shaped the national agenda. As the Trump administration seeks to transform the federal government, the influence of state-level policy, politics, and leadership is not just growing—it is becoming a driving force in the nation’s future.
POLITICO Pro provides unmatched intelligence, combining expert reporting, real-time data, and powerful tools to help policy professionals navigate the shifting landscape of state policymaking.
Expert analysis that deciphers state legislative processes and their far-reaching implications across key policy sectors.
Our reporters are embedded in state houses and key cities, delivering exclusive scoops and insider insights from the heart of policy and industry.
A single, integrated platform combining expert reporting and real-time data to help you track, analyze, and shape policy with precision.
Explore Pro’s expanded, on-the-ground policy reporting in 4 key influential states.
As the world’s fifth largest economy, the Golden State is an innovator pioneering ideas that cascade to Capitol Hill and around the globe. POLITCO Pro’s on-the-ground reporting and essential policy tools help insiders understand the characters and dynamics driving politics and policy in Sacramento and beyond.
By nearly tripling the size of our editorial footprint in California with expanded coverage in energy, transportation, water, budgetary issues and ballot measures in power centers from Sacramento to Silicon Valley and Southern California, subscribers now have access to timely news and analysis around the intersection of policy, politics, and industry.
POLITICO Pro Preview: Technology: California Decoded
We’re offering a limited, free trial of our new daily newsletter that explains how the Golden State is defining technology policy and politics within its borders and beyond.
New York
As the nation’s largest city, The Empire State stands as a global leader in policy innovation and governance. With more than a decade of deep reporting from Albany and City Hall, POLITICO Pro delivers unrivaled coverage of the state’s legislative and budgeting process, offering critical insights into the forces shaping the Governor’s office and beyond.
Our real-time reporting spanning pivotal policy areas like health care, education, taxes, real estate and housing, is paired with in-depth policy and bill analysis ensuring our subscribers not only stay ahead of legislative developments, but are fully equipped to anticipate their impact and strategize effectively.
New Jersey
New Jersey’s power dynamics are shifting, reshaping influence in Trenton and beyond. Our expert journalists are on the ground, delivering real-time intelligence to help you navigate the evolving political and policy landscape and the implications of new leadership.
From state finance, taxes, and budgeting to health care, climate policy, infrastructure, and education, POLITICO Pro arms subscribers with unparalleled insights into the forces driving the agenda in the Garden State.
The Sunshine State has entered a new era of policymaking—one with far-reaching national implications. As the state’s political leaders expand their influence in Washington, understanding the legislation emerging from Tallahassee and the power players shaping decisions inside the Governor’s office is more critical than ever.
Subscribers stay ahead with real-time alerts on health care, conservation, higher education, medical cannabis, gambling, and state taxes and powerful state directories and stakeholder management tools to track the decision-makers shaping Florida’s future.
Real-time Intelligence across all 50 states
Stay Ahead of Emerging Policy
Streamline your policy monitoring with a single, powerful platform that tracks state legislation, regulations, and floor remarks from the Senate and Assembly, saving you valuable time and effort. Key Feature: Compare bills across states and Congress to anticipate policy outcomes with ease.
Build and Manage Key Relationships
Engage the right influencers, build strategic relationships, and drive your policy agenda with precision. Gain seamless access to key decision-makers at the state and national levels. Coming Soon: Expanding our Directories to include local officials in California, unlocking even more opportunities to connect and influence.
Go Deeper with Exclusive Insights
Navigate state legislatures with confidence using Pro Analysis. Gain real-time intelligence and advanced research tools to decode legislative processes, assess industry impact, and track key decision-makers.
Personalized Information and Alerts
Stay ahead with instant alerts on bill actions, transcripts, breaking news, and real-time analysis. Customize notifications with keywords and saved searches to track the updates that matter most to you.